Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Adichie

Chimamanda Adichie is definitely one of my favorite human beings in the world! Her books, and the characters in her books, are usually authentic, relatable, and their stories always evoke critical thoughts, reflections and a variety of emotions

As Nigeria celebrates its 60th year of independence today (October 1), I find it fitting that HALF OF A YELLOW SUN is our book for the month.

Half of a yellow sun is a historical fiction novel that explores the Nigerian civil war in the 1960s. If you are looking to learn more about the history of Nigeria and the events leading up to the civil war, but you are not a fan of history books, then this is the book for you.

This novel powerfully narrates the events of the Biafran war through the lens of 3 characters: Olanna, Ugwu and Richard.

Half of a yellow Sun explores the themes of post colonialism in Nigeria, ethnicity, race, moral responsibility, pain, grief, loss, love and war.

One of my favorite quotes from the book is

“…my point is that the only authentic identity for the African is the tribe…I am Nigerian because a white man created Nigeria and gave me that identity. I am black because the white man constructed black to be as different as possible from the white. But I was Igbo before the white man came”

I loved the book and I know you will love it too!

So if you are reading, or have read the book, leave a comment. Let’s discuss. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

PS: Send me an email on Ifyroberts@gmail.com if you want to get a copy of this  book but have no idea how to get it


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